Bike Love in Tuscany
“Travel brings power and love back into your life” – Rumi
Years ago, when I was scouting routes in France, I carried a little voice recorder with me on my drives and rides, to make notes about roads, turns, Kimmie's Secret Stashes, and often I'd "jot down" thoughts and emotions into my little recorder too. My friend Andy, who helped me scout and build trips in the beginning, told me he wanted to create a show out of my audible recordings.
I remember the exact route I took one day when, on a tangent, I began musing about life and love into my recorder. I was driving toward Briançon through a village called Le Monêtier-les-Bains, with the Alps peaks jutting up around me on both sides. I guess they were pretty inspiring. I spoke about the love I felt -- for no one in particular -- just LOVE, inside of me, powerful -- for this life, the journey, the day... It was a fervent prayer on its own.
I think I pined for wanting that love I felt inside me to have target, a man on whom to bestow it. Then I caught myself. I realized that I was living my life's calling. I didn't need anyone on whom to bestow these grand feelings.
To feel that power and fire deep in my belly for life itself -- I think it's rare. As I get older, I realize how lucky I am to feel such intensity even when I'm alone. To feel love without a target is a gift. Travel touches me in such a way... It fills me up -- it lights me up! It's important to remember these moments... They are a guiding force.
This year, I'm reinstating my love for travel and exploration. We'll go to Tuscany in June, and I hope you'll come with me! You will be challenged by the riding; inspired by the countryside; nourished by the food; cared for by our hosts and guides; connected to new friends and Italian locals; transported by the history, the laughter and the shared experience -- we expect your cup to runneth over with delight for your return trip home. We expect you to fall in love!
We're working on some stateside excursions too. Like a bike trip in Marfa, TX, for instance. It's "out there!" It's magical. It'll make your heart fly.
Stay tuned for some mini-adventures to delight your heart!
Learn more about our Tuscany Cycling Trip.
Travel with us Jun 5-12, 2018!